Monday, April 12, 2010

What's Cooking?

I decided that we'd stay put today.  We've been out and about for the past two weeks--out of the house for some reason or another.  I needed to catch up on all kinds of things and focused on baking this morning.

We made some apple-cinnamon muffins--YUM!

The break maker has helped me get a loaf baked--just put another in.

Then, I made some pop-overs that Debbie shared on her blog, The Loving Path.  I substituted some vegetarian protein slices in place of the meat.  My children were hesitant to try them...but once they did they found them rather tasty!!  My sweetie-pie said, "It tastes like macaroni and cheese!"  And they do, a bit.  We ate them with baby carrots and apple slices.  What a nice lunch.  (Thanks Debbie, for sharing that recipe).

So, I think we're set...for another day.  I wanted to make some more granola bars, but I'm pooped right now.  Perhaps later this afternoon.  (I've been de-cluttering the kitchen and bathing children between all this!)  When I think about all the work those who lived years ago had to do to put a meal on the table, I'm amazed.  There is definitely great rewards in being able to make your food but it does time a lot of time.  I'm glad we took that time today!

So what's cooking in your kitchen today?


Anonymous said...

Looks GREAT Leslie. We've been making them a lot. I'm happy not to do the meat, but my boys...
Glad you posted about the experience...and I'm glad your kiddos liked them. -Debbie

Rana said...

Those look really good. I haven't done a lot of baking lately. I've been off sugar so I have been trying to find some sugar free recipes. I'm hoping to try out some soon.


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