Monday, December 22, 2014

Book Sharing Monday -- Mommy Edition

Typically we share a children's book on our weekly 'Book Sharing Monday' post. Today I'm sharing the books that I'm reading and will be reading over the 'Winter Break' that we're on presently.  I do a lot of reading. One of the things I learned long ago about fostering a love of reading in my children was to let them see me reading.  But not only the books I read to them or the teacher edition books (while planning for them) but books that I'm interested in--fiction and non-fiction.

Today we took our weekly library trip before things close for the holiday and I found a few of the books that have been on several recommended reading lists.

I've already finished one (Sula by Toni Morrison) and half of another (Rainbow in the Cloud by Maya Angelou) and will be getting into the others over the course of the next few weeks.

Here's a list of them in case you're unable to read the titles/authors in the picture above:

Sula by Toni Morrison
Rainbow in the Cloud by Maya Angelou
Too Heavy A Load: Black Women In Defence of Themselves 1894-1994 by Deborah Gray White
A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James
Song of the Shank by Jeffery Renard Allen
Fire This Time: The Watts Uprising and the 1960s by Gerald Horne

What's on your nighstand? What books are you planning on reading during this Winter time? I am always interested in good book recommendations. Do share below. I will let you know how each of them turns out. Have you read any of these? What are your thoughts?

No matter what you're reading, I hope that you, too, are able to find some quiet time with yourself and a book.

Be well.

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