Monday, August 24, 2009

Our 1st Day of School

Today was our 'official' 1st day back to school. We took a nice break to vacation and then I took a few more weeks off for thinking and planning. The girls have been counting down the days since the first of the month. Jaya also wanted to wear a uniform so after breakfast she got dressed packed her backpack and met me in our classroom. I decided we'd take pictures as this was a tradition I grew up with.... here are a few shots from our day.

In this photo she's standing like her daddy did as a child on his 1st day of school.
She's really growing up. I can see it in this one.
I got of shot of the other two, who dressed themselves as well. Kari isn't fully dressed without her crown. LOL. And the boy put on a sweater vest and a pair of basketball shorts (not seen in this shot) that were of a different color. They are too funny!
We've completed our Phonics lesson and Jaya is doing handwriting practice and Kari has started on her artwork.
Melvin just finished playing with play doh and has moved onto cutting paper.
It's just about nap-time!
Jaya is doing her artwork.
The Calendar.

Finishing up.
One of the maps on the wall. Geography is important to me--I want my children to know where they are and where everyone else is.
(The world is bigger than just us!)
Jaya's completed pictured, based on a poem I read them about friendship.
We made it through. Four very short lessons. No tears or frustrations. We'll see how tomorrow goes!

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