Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thankful Thursday

I have thankful for fresh fruit, veggies and sprouts!! We have been enjoying smoothies today and they are just delicious. I'm also thankful that we have a machine that can use the whole fruit/vegetable/plant so that we're getting everything.  I am thankful that my children are enjoying them as much as I am (and not merely bolting them down).

I am thankful for family who are celebrating birthdays today--three, one of who is my little brother! Happy Birthday "Kiss!" (yes, a little inside joke there.)

Over the weekend I was able to spend time with some very special people--ones I have not had a chance to be with in a while. I am again thankful for that time and for the connections I have with them. I didn't realize how much I had missed them.

I am thankful for being able to spread a little joy in mailing a few cards to a few of the elders in our lives. Not everyone is on social media or email (imagine!), and I took some time today to hand write a few notes to let them know they are thought of. Yes, little things matter.

What are you thankful for today? It's great to have 'big' things but as we live and learn we see that 'little' things matter and can add up quickly.

Be well.

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