Friday, June 28, 2013


I so enjoy creating and making things.  With all the things we do, I often don't get to do all the things I enjoy.  Enter Pinterest--and any time I would have, I've spent looking at all the options.  I'm sure there are some of you who understand what I'm talking about. LOL.

Well, yesterday while going through my stash of fabric I came across a piece I had totally forgotten about.  Just enough to make a cute little poncho-style top for my eldest.  No real pattern this time, just measure it up against her and went for it.

Not perfect, but not bad either.

I'm feeling pretty good.


Unknown said...

Cute! I would need a pattern. lol

~Leslie said...

Thank you! Most of the time I do too. This time I tried my hand at "sewing by ear." lol


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