Friday, January 21, 2011

Safety Village Field Trip

Today we met up with our homeschool group and attended a field trip to a local Safety Village for several classes in Fire and Life Safety.  We learned (refreshed our memory on) about:

 Bike Safety

 Car Safety
Fire Safety in the house
 Get low as smoke rises
 Crawl on the floor to the wall; feel for door; exit

 When necessary, exit a window.

 Call 9-1-1 to report a fire

 If you clothes catch fire, stop, drop & roll; 
remember to cover your face

 FF Hunter had us close our eye and use our 
sense of hearing to locate him in the room

 Receiving Certificates of Completion 
of the Fire & Life Safety Classes

Posing with Sparky

It was a wonderful learning experience.  Plus we got to catch up with some of our old friends and had a chance to make some new friends (mom included)!

Can I just say I'm SO glad to be back 'home!' :D

Enjoy your weekend!


Learning With Passion said...

Wow! It looks like they learned so much!

Sparklee said...

This looks really fun! And it's so important to have kids practice safety BEFORE an actual emergency. I wonder if I could find something similar in our area...

wildwoods said...

We can do this!!
i see how much you read and write and how important your work!!
I'm so excited I found you-- My Mother is pressuring me to put my baby girl into "school"--
but I have other ideas
and you look like the support I need big hug
big big hug
thank you so much for your work here-- online, for me :)


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