Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thankful Thursday

I must say that today it's rather challenging to focus on the positive when surrounded by so much negativity--right here in my area, around the country and around the world. But I will pause a moment and meditate on what is going well.

-the creativity of my children: i'm watching them create their entries for a local lego competition.

-new online homeschool community: created today by another homeschool mom where we can pool our resources to do group buying of resources for our families--helping our little dollars stretch.

-the sun: yes, it's out today. i've spent several moments just standing/sitting in it, absorbing it's rays. powerful stuff.

-books filled with words of wisdom, courage, truth, healing and power written by women.  i'm presently reading a few poems by Assata Shakur, in her autobiography; Alice Walker from her book Hard Times Require Furious Dancing; bell hooks' Sisters of the Yam: black women and self-recovery; and A Healing Grove: African Tree Remedies and Rituals for Body and Spirit by Stephanie Rose Bird

-time: to rest, to think, to plan.

-family: those that are near and those that are far.

What are you thankful for today? Take a moment now to reflect on those things.

Be well.

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