Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Intentions :: A Practice

Good Afternoon All.

I hope that you have made it through last week without too many mishaps.  As we begin a new one, let's take some time to reflect on how things have been and what things we'd like to put our energies towards.  This can sometimes be a challenge--yet I hope that in practicing being intentional each of us is seeing a bit a success in completing things, learning new things and enjoying just being.

As I look over the intentions and plans I set for myself last Sunday, I'm seeing right away that I didn't not give myself to a good number of those on my list.  It wasn't that I didn't want to or that there wasn't enough time. Other things came up and I gave myself to those.

For example, a dear friend, my college roommate to be exact, needed my help sewing some things for her daughter's prom, which was this weekend.  I agreed but upon seeing the material I knew right away that sewing it on the machine would do more damage to this delicate fabric than we'd like and so I hand stitched everything---which took a full day (in between attending to some of the things my children needed).  It was a very calming experience, actually. I haven't sewn by hand in years.  I was also able to help her get all ready for her night out--unexpectedly. I've known this beautiful child since before she was born and have watched her grow up over the years.  This time and energy was so worth it and I'm thankful to have been a part of it all.

So, I will be repurposing the list from last week a bit.

-I have a photo shoot this week and have gathered several 'models' to assist me in adding to my portfolio. I'm excited about it all and looking forward to putting into practice some of the skills I've been learning over the last few weeks.  (I will share a few of the better shots later this week.)

-Reading is still topping my list.  I was just sharing with a friend the other day that in reading one author/book reference is made to another and yet another book.  I'm enjoying learning about some historical events, persons and about native traditions/religions/paths.  I have not yet made time to go into detail about this. I do have a board on Pinterest that I'll be adding books I'm reading to it as I complete them (more for a personal record) but for anyone interested in seeing what they are now, you're welcome to take a look.

-Reading aloud to my children.  We did begin reading an unfinished book last week. It's the Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place : the Mysterious Howling by Maryrose Wood. I hope to complete it this week and then begin another book we need to complete. (smile)

-Each of the children is working on personal reading goals.  Last week, during our library time, I selected a book with each of them to read together.  My eldest and I do this often and use much of these titles toward her literature lessons. I'd decided that I would do the same with my younger two. I hope to do this daily and add to their lists of books read.

-Planning--yes! It's time for me to start evaluating things from this year and begin to make plans for our next year. I've been reading a few blogs and watching vids on YouTube--seeing what other families are doing (and not doing) with their children. This can be a great way to find inspiration and resources.  What it's not good for is comparison.  I'm reminding myself NOW in written form that we are on our own journey and what works for one family may not work for us and does, in no way, reflect negatively on the decisions we're making.  (Sometimes you need that little pep talk! lol)

-Continued planting. We planted some herbs this week along with some wild flowers--from seed. It's gotten cold again and so I'm thankful we started in our pots.  There are some other plants I want to pick up from a local garden and use in our beds.  However, we're going to watch the weather a bit more before getting things in the ground.

-Meditation, quiet time & exercise.  Last week we began a Yoga class and will continue this week. I also started doing a routine workout here at the house/neighborhood.  I'll be continuing with this and involving the entire family in it.  Meditation/quiet time is a habit for me now.

-Food prep. I so wanted to get to that last week. I did make several loaves of banana bread (that will be eaten and shared). But I didn't get to the freezer meals that I had hoped to do. This week I'm going to begin earlier in the week (like Tuesday or Wednesday). I'm finding that if I really want to get things done the top of the week is always better for me.

-Communal Meals -- I'm sure you're aware that I'm into building community. (Should you be interested in learning more about what I mean, you can read these posts and resources.) In talking to some friends, we've decided that time often limits just what we can do together. We've decided to try some new things with regards to gathering together and sharing. I am participating in two communal meals this week. They both will be potluck style--everyone bringing what they have to share. During this time we'll be able to connect, catch-up, share, encourage, laugh, etc. all while attending to one of the basic needs we all have in our families--eating a good meal. I'll let you know how those turn out.  My hope is that this becomes a regular occurrence instead of just a 'special' one.

What things are you thinking you'll do this week? How will you make time for the important people in your lives? Are their ways to incorporate what you'd like to do with what they would?

I'm always interested in hearing how other families utilize their time and make the most of it.  If you have any tips, I'd love to hear from you.

No matter how you're moving through this week, I wish you joy, peace, love and light.

Be well.

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